Casualty of Capitalism

Exiled into Wilmington, Delaware by virtue of corporate layoffs. (Note: Unless otherwise stated, all photos on this blog are Copyright 2005, Michael Collins, and cannot be used without permission.)

Location: Wilmington, Delaware, United States

Graduate of University of Maryland School of Law; University of Maryland, College Park (Economics/Political Science).

Thursday, January 13, 2005

One Thing I Won't Miss

Yesterday, it felt like baseball weather. Temps hovered in the upper 50's and the humidity hit levels high enough that turned my mail wet.

What about today? Well, it is snowing. And tomorrow, temps are supposed to reach the low teens. And by reach, I mean "not to exceed." I cannot complain about the weather this winter, however. Last year at this time, temperatures were in the first two weeks of a stretch of nearly 5 weeks without temperatures puncturing the 32 degree mark on the thermometer. I would have welcomed a day with temps near 60 last January.

In Delaware, winter temperatures promise to be more reasonable and the weather more predictable. I can deal with that.


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