Benedict XVI
We have a new pope, Benedict XVI, formerly Joseph Ratzinger of Germany.
As a conservative Catholic, I admit I am quite pleased with the selection. Ratzinger is known as the voice of orthodox Catholic teaching, and the man most likely to carry on Pope John Paul II's legacy from the perspective of Catholic thought and doctrine. Picked as an early favorite, Ratzinger seemingly coasted to the papacy after only three votes. With liberal Jesuit Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini reported to be Ratzinger's main competition going in, I was relieved to hear the news that the cardinals had, in fact, chosen Ratzinger as the new pope.
Then I got to thinking, what was it about JPII that made him such an attractive and ultimately successful selection? The answer, in my opinion, is that he was a man at the center of history: a Polish cardinal who had weathered the Nazis and found himself in common cause with the people at the center of his papacy's most evil menace: Soviet Communism. He had the will, the stage presence, and the street cred that made world leaders and everyday people listen. He knew. He was the advocate who could say, I lived it, I know what horrors it's capable of, and I will oppose it, so help me God. And we all listened. No amount of respect was enough for this pope who helped bring down the century's longest-standing and most widespread evil.
That thought is what gives me reservations about Ratzinger's papacy. Yes, he has the goods on orthodoxy. I will not complain there. But how does a German Pope fit into the problem areas of today? What authority and street credibility does Ratzinger bring to the masses around the world who still seek a more personalized leadership, or worse, still yearn for freedom from oppression? What can Ratzinger bring to the table to confront today's most far-reaching evil: the culture of violence and murder preached by radicalized adherents of Islam? How will Ratzinger bring attention to third world poverty and inspire the people most affected by it?
I don't know the answer to these questions. I trust that the choice was the right one for our circumstances. I sincerely hope and pray that Benedict XVI can deliver. Contrary to what you may read in the media, Catholicism is a religion of hope, faith, and goodness. As a Catholic, I am saddened when I see good people fall. I am worried for those who reject religion. I sincerely hope to see everyone I know and even don't know one day when I pass beyond this life. I want what is "good" for all, and that good is a relationship with Jesus Christ. I pray that our new pope can inspire a journey in faith towards this ultimate good in those who need it most.
Hugh Hewitt wonders how, when it comes to articles about the Church, the media keep missing the point.
From the elated:
Professor Bainbridge isn't happy with Andrew Sullivan's hyperbolic reaction. My good professor, name-calling is an instant credibility killer. But I agree with you.
Some facts about Benedict XVI.
RomanCatholicBlog has a nice round up of reaction from all spheres. Keep scrolling.
Basically, all you need to know is at the Pope Blog. It is devoted (pardon the pun) to the Pope, after all.
From the dissidents:
Some people already can't wait to see this pope dead (see point #1). Classy.
Obligatory quote from a college student, devastated that the Church is heading the wrong direction...away from his own learned views:
"His ideology disagrees with mine," said Stephen Carville, 20, a [Catholic University] freshman from Baton Rouge who describes himself as a moderate Catholic. "It may move the church in the wrong direction for the 21st century."
Is this a preview of NARAL's new double-speak attempt at softening abortion's image and making it appear a direct attack on women spear-headed by "conservatives":
But some well-known conservatives in the crowd were thrilled with a choice that they saw as bringing the church back to its core moral values, including its condemnation of homosexuality and birth control for women.
Birth-control for women? The focus on "women" alone can only mean she's talking about abortion. In fact, birth control is flat out prohibited by the Church, male and female.
Here's a round-up of negative reaction, mostly, it seems from Bush-haters.

As a conservative Catholic, I admit I am quite pleased with the selection. Ratzinger is known as the voice of orthodox Catholic teaching, and the man most likely to carry on Pope John Paul II's legacy from the perspective of Catholic thought and doctrine. Picked as an early favorite, Ratzinger seemingly coasted to the papacy after only three votes. With liberal Jesuit Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini reported to be Ratzinger's main competition going in, I was relieved to hear the news that the cardinals had, in fact, chosen Ratzinger as the new pope.
Then I got to thinking, what was it about JPII that made him such an attractive and ultimately successful selection? The answer, in my opinion, is that he was a man at the center of history: a Polish cardinal who had weathered the Nazis and found himself in common cause with the people at the center of his papacy's most evil menace: Soviet Communism. He had the will, the stage presence, and the street cred that made world leaders and everyday people listen. He knew. He was the advocate who could say, I lived it, I know what horrors it's capable of, and I will oppose it, so help me God. And we all listened. No amount of respect was enough for this pope who helped bring down the century's longest-standing and most widespread evil.
That thought is what gives me reservations about Ratzinger's papacy. Yes, he has the goods on orthodoxy. I will not complain there. But how does a German Pope fit into the problem areas of today? What authority and street credibility does Ratzinger bring to the masses around the world who still seek a more personalized leadership, or worse, still yearn for freedom from oppression? What can Ratzinger bring to the table to confront today's most far-reaching evil: the culture of violence and murder preached by radicalized adherents of Islam? How will Ratzinger bring attention to third world poverty and inspire the people most affected by it?
I don't know the answer to these questions. I trust that the choice was the right one for our circumstances. I sincerely hope and pray that Benedict XVI can deliver. Contrary to what you may read in the media, Catholicism is a religion of hope, faith, and goodness. As a Catholic, I am saddened when I see good people fall. I am worried for those who reject religion. I sincerely hope to see everyone I know and even don't know one day when I pass beyond this life. I want what is "good" for all, and that good is a relationship with Jesus Christ. I pray that our new pope can inspire a journey in faith towards this ultimate good in those who need it most.
Hugh Hewitt wonders how, when it comes to articles about the Church, the media keep missing the point.
From the elated:
Professor Bainbridge isn't happy with Andrew Sullivan's hyperbolic reaction. My good professor, name-calling is an instant credibility killer. But I agree with you.
Some facts about Benedict XVI.
RomanCatholicBlog has a nice round up of reaction from all spheres. Keep scrolling.
Basically, all you need to know is at the Pope Blog. It is devoted (pardon the pun) to the Pope, after all.
From the dissidents:
Some people already can't wait to see this pope dead (see point #1). Classy.
Obligatory quote from a college student, devastated that the Church is heading the wrong direction...away from his own learned views:
"His ideology disagrees with mine," said Stephen Carville, 20, a [Catholic University] freshman from Baton Rouge who describes himself as a moderate Catholic. "It may move the church in the wrong direction for the 21st century."
Is this a preview of NARAL's new double-speak attempt at softening abortion's image and making it appear a direct attack on women spear-headed by "conservatives":
But some well-known conservatives in the crowd were thrilled with a choice that they saw as bringing the church back to its core moral values, including its condemnation of homosexuality and birth control for women.
Birth-control for women? The focus on "women" alone can only mean she's talking about abortion. In fact, birth control is flat out prohibited by the Church, male and female.
Here's a round-up of negative reaction, mostly, it seems from Bush-haters.

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