Today's View From the Unemployment Line: Veteran's Day Edition
If you are reading this post on Thursday, November 11, it is Veteran's Day. Millions of Americans have fought over the years for the notion that man should be free to govern himself, speak without recrimination, practice his own religion freely, and enjoy those hallowed inalienable, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our soldiers, sailors, and airmen protect for us what was declared ours and humanity's on July 4, 1776. Lives have been lost, heroes made, and brothers forged on battlefields throughout our nation's short history. The valor and the sacrifice continues today on battlefields around the world. These soldiers fight in your service. Appreciate them.
This Veteran's Day, let us put aside our differences on the policy behind today's wars, and simply recall that "freedom isn't free." We wouldn't be living in the most advanced country on the planet if anonymous American men and women throughout our history weren't manning foxholes, submarines, tents, or command centers somewhere, protecting our ability to do those things we now do in the comfort of our American lives. Today, write a soldier a letter, buy one a drink, or just give one a good pat on the back and a hoo-ah! This is their day. Make sure they know you appreciate what they have done or continue to do in support of freedom, liberty, and democracy.
"It is by no means necessary that a great nation should always stand at the heroic level. But no nation has the root of greatness in it unless in time of need it can rise to the heroic mood." -Teddy Roosevelt
UPDATE: President Bush's 2004 Veteran's Day Proclamation.
(Photo: The WWII Memorial across the Severn River from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD)
This Veteran's Day, let us put aside our differences on the policy behind today's wars, and simply recall that "freedom isn't free." We wouldn't be living in the most advanced country on the planet if anonymous American men and women throughout our history weren't manning foxholes, submarines, tents, or command centers somewhere, protecting our ability to do those things we now do in the comfort of our American lives. Today, write a soldier a letter, buy one a drink, or just give one a good pat on the back and a hoo-ah! This is their day. Make sure they know you appreciate what they have done or continue to do in support of freedom, liberty, and democracy.
"It is by no means necessary that a great nation should always stand at the heroic level. But no nation has the root of greatness in it unless in time of need it can rise to the heroic mood." -Teddy Roosevelt
UPDATE: President Bush's 2004 Veteran's Day Proclamation.
(Photo: The WWII Memorial across the Severn River from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD)

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