Today's View From the Unemployment Line
Don't forget to vote on Tuesday.
This mighty flag on the top of Federal Hill in Baltimore flew at half staff on September 14, 2001. I remember the eerie, desolate, airplane-free skies on the day I took this photo. I remember grim-faced police officers in paramilitary outfits demanding that I stop taking photos in certain spots downtown. I remember the strange feelings of both purpose and mourning I felt during those days.
And now three years later and with the war on terror only just begun, I still get angry seeing pictures like these of our national symbol taking this knee after suffering a body blow from the viscious fanatics who wish death and destruction on our citizens and way of life. I do not want to see our national symbol falter before terrorists again. For that reason, I urge you to cast your vote for George W. Bush.
This mighty flag on the top of Federal Hill in Baltimore flew at half staff on September 14, 2001. I remember the eerie, desolate, airplane-free skies on the day I took this photo. I remember grim-faced police officers in paramilitary outfits demanding that I stop taking photos in certain spots downtown. I remember the strange feelings of both purpose and mourning I felt during those days.
And now three years later and with the war on terror only just begun, I still get angry seeing pictures like these of our national symbol taking this knee after suffering a body blow from the viscious fanatics who wish death and destruction on our citizens and way of life. I do not want to see our national symbol falter before terrorists again. For that reason, I urge you to cast your vote for George W. Bush.

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